“easy by Bank SinoPac” Launch in Hong Kong

Great mind. Easy style.

Hong Kong Branch has launched a mobile banking easy APP, which allows you to keep track of your account status and to access to banking service more easily


Comprehensive account management

  • Provide real-time account balance inquiry, account information at a glance
  • Account transaction history inquiry to 3 months, through choosing the date intervals, can quickly locate and review transaction records you want
  • Comprehensive account management, reviewing the details of fixed deposits, loans, and e-statement
便利的匯款& 轉帳服務

Convenient remittance and transfer services

  • Provide multi-currency global remittance & transfer service, to execute cross-border transaction in an easy way
  • Provide outward remittance inquiry, to review remittance processing status and remittance details at any time
最新消息 & 利率資訊

Latest news & interest information

  • Review interest rate information to grasp the trend of interest rates
  • Click the latest news to keep up with bank information
雙重身分認證 & 快速登入

Two-factor authentication & quick Login

  • Adopt a two-factor authentication mechanism to strengthen the security of online transactions
  • After successful identity verification and binding the mobile phone, you can set up a quick login according to your needs